Support the Society

The Stansted and Fairseat History Society is a ‘not for profit’ organisation and the management committee members give their time on a voluntary basis. There are third-party costs involved in developing and maintaining the website and online filestore, maintaining the physical archive in Fairseat Village Hall, and organising community events, etc.

The Society receives some financial support from the local Parish Council in the form of grant aid for which it is extremely grateful. Our goal is to become increasingly self-financing through voluntary donations from local residents and other interested parties through a donation scheme. If you feel that you could support the Society with a financial contribution then please make a donation using one of the options below. If you have any queries please email the Society at [email protected] or discuss in person with the Society’s Chairman, Dick Hogbin, Tel: 07887 396918

Cheques and Cash

Please pass donations to one of the Committee members or by post to:

John Deacon, SFHS Treasurer
Crabtree Bungalow
Crabtree Close
TN15 7JL

Electronic Transfer (BACS)

Please make a donation by transferring funds to the Society’s Bank Account:

Account Name: Stansted & Fairseat History Society
Bank: Lloyds
Sort Code: 30 98 97
Account Number: 77518368