Fairseat Village Hall - 60th Anniversary

Fairseat village hall opened in May 1961 on land donated by Mrs Jean Anderson and has been the centre of community life in Fairseat ever since. It also houses the physical archive for Fairseat and Stansted. A full history of the hall can be seen on this website under Places>Landmarks>Fairseat village hall.

After almost 18 months of Covid 19 related restrictions on free assembly, the virus vaccination programme had advanced enough to allow a diamond anniversary celebration of the opening of the Hall on 15th August 2021. As many previous committee members as possible gathered on a warm and sunny day and made the most of the newly restored freedom to meet and socialise.

As Tom Sheldon said “The whole celebration was really well organised by Melita, Nita and their team with a delicious buffet lunch provided by Kevin and Nina. It was wonderful to have an excuse for a community celebration when we have been locked down for so long.

Note: Please click on the image for a full-size version.

Fairseat Village Hall 60th Anniversary
Image courtesy of Tom Sheldon

Back row (L to R)
1 Kevin Sparkes (Supporter), 2 Ray Hatch (Committee /Auditor/Handyman), 3 John Stevens (Treasurer), 4 Robin Vince (Wine Circle Chairman), 5 Sheila Parker (Fete Stallholder), 6 Arthur Allwright (Treasurer), 7 Ashley Whatman (Fete Helper), 8 Ann Allwright (Committee Member), 9 Reg Riggs (Playground Furniture Installation and Advisor), 10 Marion Vince (Supporter), 11 Nita Hills (Present Trustee Treasurer), 12 Bob Hills (Past Vice-Chairman), 13 Dave Brown (Painter), 14 Eileen Brown (Film Night Helper), 15 Don Kitchener (Film Night Helper), 16 Pam Sheldon (seated) (Present Trustee Committee Member), 17 Jane Whatman (Fete Stallholder), 18 Ann Kent (Committee member), 19 Peter Everett (seated) (Chairman), 20 Mary Gallop (Committee member), 21 Margaret Mould, (Chairman), 22 Bryan Kent (Committee member), 23 Angelo Gandolfo (Supporter)
Front row (L to R)
1 Tom Sheldon (Supporter), 2 Nina Sparkes (Supporter), 3 Ronda O’Leary (Film Night Helper), 4 Melita Gandolfo (Present Trustee Secretary), 5 Carol Salmon (Present Trustee Chairman), 6 Chris Hatch (Interior Decoration/Painting Support), 7 Lyn Mannering (Chairman), 8 Christine Stevens (Secretary), 9 John Deacon (On-Call Handyman), 10 Trudy Cooper (Supporter), 11 Jean Rogers (Supporter)

Author: Dick Hogbin
Editor: Tony Piper
Contributors: Tom Sheldon, Nita Hills
Last Updated: 18 August 2021